Saturday, August 31, 2019

Management Robert Owen and Richard Branson

Intoduction It is said that management principles can be traced back as far as 5000 years, which has provided considerable amount of time to refine and develop these principles into efficient and successful ideologies. Throughout history, management practise has evolved thanks to a number of pioneers who have veered away from the norm to revolutionise views on what it means to be a good and efficacious manager. Both Robert Owen and Richard Branson can be seen as frontrunners of their time, performing feats in the realm of management that nobody before them would have dared to have even considered.Robert_Owen? Robert Owen was born in Newtown in Wales, United Kingdom. During his life he managed to improve well-being, education and rights of the working class. His driving ambition to create a better society made him a successful manufacturer and an important pioneer of Modern Management. ?†The most important experiment for the happiness of the human race that has yet been institut ed in any part of the world†1 [Owen, 1801] started when Robert Owen bought the New Lanark Mills in 1801.Under his management the New Lanark became a model community which was driving towards prosperity and making progress through the new technology. He was considered a kind man, who treated his employees very well. Owen highlighted the importance of education; he believed that knowledge is a useful skill that could release working class children from hunger and poverty. Thus New Lanark was the first place in the world that had an Infant School. This allowed parents to keep on working and created the opportunity for wider education provision, including evening classes for workers.He also introduced better working conditions for children; children under ten were not allowed to work in the village and no children were allowed to work for longer than 10 hours a day. Moreover he raised the minimum wage for child labour, raised wages for adults, reduced working hours and provided al l the employees with free medical care. Robert Owen always kept proper business records; these included daily and weekly measurement of productivity, output and stocks. A novel technique was used to control the employees; multicolored pieces of wood hung beside every worker.Each color indicated the previous day's quality of work. Everyone around was able to see this measure of employees performance, this piece of wood works as a good motivator towards quality performance, as people did not want to be embarrassed by everyone being able to see that they had worked to a poor standard. ?Even though Robert Owen had no formal university education his progressive moral views and entrepreneurial skills made his contribution to the modern management theory inestimable. What ideas individuals may attach to the term â€Å"Millennium† I know not; but I know that society may be formed so as to exist without crime, without poverty, with health greatly improved, with little, if any misery, and with intelligence and happiness increased a hundredfold; and no obstacle whatsoever intervenes at this moment except ignorance to prevent such a state of society from becoming universal. †2[Owen, 1816] Sir Richard Branson Sir Richard Branson was born in Blackheath, London in 1950.He studied at Stowe school and throughout his childhood struggled with dyslexia, and failed to do well at school, but by the age of 16, after dropping out of school, and a few failed attempts at selling Christmas trees and budgerigars, he had already taken his first steps to becoming a successful pioneer when he launched a magazine called ‘Student’ 3[Ahmed, 2011], which ran articles about prominent politicians, famous rock stars and different celebrities of the time.This turned out to just be the start of a successful entrepreneurial career, and he has now founded ‘Virgin Group Ltd. ’ which consists of more than 400 companies, ranging from airlines to mobile phone networ ks, employing over 50,000 people. Having started as a teenager, struggling to find his way into the business world, he is now worth about three billion pounds sterling, and is one of the most outstanding innovators in the world. Despite being renowned for promoting an extremely tranquil working environment, Richard Branson is a follower of F.W. Taylor, who proposed the ‘Scientific Management Theory’, which attempts to increase economic efficiency and productivity in the workplace by applying a scientific element to management, and Sir Richard Branson is known to apply some of Taylors ‘Scientific Management’ theories to his own style. Taylor was also known to reward staff with higher payment based on results, as an attempt to boost motivation, which Branson has also exercised by paying and rewarding employees based on performance and their ability to show signs of creative thinking. [Anon] Sir Richard Branson implements a style of a Theory Y manger in Dougla s McGregor’s theory5 [McGregor, 1960] which states that there are two types of manager: Theory X styled manager- Believes that the average employee dislikes works and only works because they have to earn money, therefore they need to be threatened with punishments in order to be motivated, and directed strictly, without any room for delegated responsibility.A Theory X styled manager believes that money is most important to the employee. Theory Y styled manager (Sir Richard Branson)- Believes that employees are more motivated when they have more self-control and can apply their own skills and creativity in the workplace. States that most employees want to do well and self-actualisation what motivates them, as oppose to financial gain. [Taylor, 2013] Richard Branson believes that by creating a relaxed working environment, and by trusting his managers and employees with responsibility, that his staff will consequently be enjoy their work, work better as a team, and therefore be more motivated as they will be achieving the Self-Actualisation level and Social level on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and therefore enhance the performance of the workforce, and resultantly the performance of Virgin.In the advancement of his management thinking, Virgin Group Ltd created a centralised website which endeavoured to link up all of the Virgin Group companies, and created a central hub, as previously they worked separately, so he therefore attempting to promote teamwork and build human relationships within the firm, allowing employees to communicate and information to be pooled and collected. Comparison and Contrast between Owen and Branson Despite being from entirely different eras, Owen and Branson exude many similar qualities; most notably in that they both believe that the key to success lies in the treatment of their employees. Having a personality of caring about people is important. You can’t be a good leader unless you generally like people. That is how you bring out the best in them. †7[Branson, 2011] It is clear that both men care greatly for their employees; Branson gives all employees his personal phone number, so that should they have any problems they can contract him directly, rather than having to go through Human Resources. Many managers would not identify with this and would rather their employees suffer in silence. Branson also claims to attempt to respond to as any emails as he can every day, â€Å"Recalling a time when [he] was just starting out and needed advice, [he tries] to respond to as many reader emails as [he] can. †8 . [Branson, 2011] Branson claims: â€Å"People don’t leave their jobs through lack of pay – they leave because they aren’t valued. Many companies leave people in boxes; encourage them to be adaptable and innovative. †9 [Branson, 2011] Owen exhibited his consideration for his employees in a very different way, but with the same aim of achieving employee happiness.Having to work in a grocery shop himself from the age of 8, Owen realised the harm of child labour and seeked to stop it in his later life. In 1815 he persuaded supporters in parliament to put forward a bill on child labour. While this bill did not have as much success as Owen hoped, as many mill owners fought against the proposition, Owen was an instigator in improving the lives of child workers. He also improved welfare standards for older workers, shortening working hours and increasing wages. Eight hours' daily labour is enough for any human being, and under proper arrangements sufficient to afford an ample supply of food, raiment and shelter, or the necessaries and comforts of life, and for the remainder of his time, every person is entitled to education, recreation and sleep†. 10[Owen, 1833] Branson and Owen’s methods of achieving employee happiness were highly influenced by the times they were working in. In Owen’s time, most working conditions were poor and wages were low, so simply by improving these factors employees would instantly become happier.In the current day there is a huge range of jobs with all ranges of wages, and many regulations in place to ensure employee welfare. Therefore, to appeal to his employees, Branson realised that a more personal approach was necessary, hence allowing his employees to contact him directly. Companies are a lot larger these days than in the early 19th Century when Owen was working, so being able to have a personal relationship with the head of a company is much rarer in this day and age.Both pioneers identified the most effective way of attaining contentment from their employees in the environment they were living in. Both Branson and Owen were pioneers of their time, achieving what many believed impossible. Despite leaving school at the age of 16 and being diagnosed with Dyslexia, Branson has risen above the odds and is responsible for starting over 400 companies, most famous for establishing Virgin, which ranges from record shops to airlines.No other manager in history has been at the helm of such a large business empire, and before Branson, it is doubtable that anyone would have thought it possible. Owen, on the other hand, was more of a pioneer in the domain of welfare than the extensiveness of his company, providing above and beyond what would be expected of a manager of his time, from nurseries to children to evening classes for adults. While, at the time, most managers would see these initiatives as an unnecessary expense, Owen’s cotton mills became very successful businesses with healthy, content employees.Quite possibly, were it not for Owen identifying how much success can come to a manager who treats his employees well, Branson may not have realised the importance of having such good relationships with his employees which could be seen as the key to his success. One of the main contrasts between Richard Branson and Robert Owen are their view s on education. Owen believed that education was one of the most important factors in a company; the better the education of the employees, the better employees they are. To train and educate the rising generation will at all times be the first object of society, to which every other will be subordinate†. 11[Owen, 1826] Owen provided schooling for employees and their children, putting children’s education ahead of their contribution to his company. Branson, on the other hand left school himself at 16 and hasn’t looked back. ‘Richard Branson, founder and chairman of London-based Virgin Group, didn’t breeze through school. In fact, school was something of a nightmare for him. His scores on standardized tests were dismal, initially pointing to a similar future.Despite the difficulties and challenges posed by his acknowledged dyslexia, his gifted interpersonal and business talents drove him to succeed. ’12[Anon] In contrast to Owen’s belief s, Branson is proof that education is not necessarily an important factor in success. Furthermore, Richard Branson believes that â€Å"work should not be a chore and should be fun. You want to have fun at home; why shouldn't you have fun at work†13[Branson, 2011]. Owen also considered leisure and recreation important. He arranged concerts and dancing evenings for the benefit of community.However, even though both pioneers think of fun as an important part of working life, Robert Owen used a stricter approach to management and was a strong believer in discipline, for example by keeping track of employees behaviour by the aforementioned multicolored pieces of wood and disciplining those who repeatedly showed low performance. To conclude, Branson and Owen are and were strong pioneers of their time, who shared many values. Managers could learn ample from both men, especially when it comes to employee relationships.In general, it is indispensable that modern day managers consider how successful pioneers such as Owen and Branson apply and practise management theory, as it shows the outcome of different particular methods and techniques, in this pairs case; high levels of success. For example, Douglas McGregor stated that he believed that a Theory Y manager would be more successful at motivating their employees than a Theory X, and Sir Richard Branson was almost certainly a Theory Y manager, so a modern manager can consider whether the method that pioneer practised was positively effective or not.President Gordon B. Hinckley taught: â€Å"It is good to look to the past to gain appreciation for the present and perspective for the future. It is good to look upon the virtues of those who have gone before, to gain strength for whatever lies ahead. It is good to reflect upon the work of those who laboured so hard and gained so little in this world, but out of whose dreams and early plans, so well nurtured, has come a great harvest of which we are the beneficiaries † [Ensign, 1984]. 14

Friday, August 30, 2019

What makes you smile

Canyon Valley Campus A Curve That Sets Everything Straight What Is something that you show without much thought? There a lot of facial expressions that a person can make. Some seem more common and the more subtle differences are lost in different traditions and cultures, but the most universal facial expression with same meaning across all culture is indicated by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth or simply, a smile.I smile knowing that smiling changes my mood. According to psychologists if you smile for a minute, no matter how fake or forced it feels, your body releases hormones such as serotonin which tricks the body into making you feel happy. Every time I am feeling down, I always try to put on a smile. Smiling also prevents me from looking tired. When I am stressed, I take time to put on a smile. The stress I feel Is being reduced and making me able to do more useful things.And also, studies have shown that smelling releases endorphins, and natural pain killers. Toget her, these make us feel good thus: many people consider smiling as a natural drug. Whenever I m having a conversation with other people, I try to smile, smirk, laugh a little on every phrase, sentence, greeting, or even when saying goodbye. It will lighten up other peoples' day and make them want to talk to me more. In that way, I gain more acquaintances that I can rely too.I smile because there are no reasons to be sad. Life is full of obstacles that we encounter every day and these obstacles make our life unhappy but I do not take these obstacles negatively, unlike others, I optimistically find the good in these obstacles so that I will not feel gloomy. I face these obstacles with a smile knowing hat there are good things that await me through this difficulty. I do not consider the word â€Å"problem† to get in my mind, instead I take it as a challenge that I cannot lose to.But in cases that I would feel down, I try to think of the people who makes me happy, the people I co nsider as my friends, because most of them are in a funny situation like having a crush on someone but they are trying really hard denying it, that they end up being very defensive and it becomes really obvious. Seeing small kids and babies, also makes me smile, mainly because some children are afraid of there people so being able to play with them is such a great opportunity.The babies' laughter also makes me smile, especially when they laugh out loud and I suddenly feel a disturbing reaction hearing a kid laugh like there Is something uncommon resembling a voice and sometimes It comes with dark aura. Compliments are the number one thing that can make me smile. They make me feel good about myself, and reassure me on something I think is wrong about me. Opinions are very professional or from somebody whose opinion matters to me. I smile Just by thinking about all the wonderful things I have accomplished. I become very proud of myself.My confidence shows in my smile and it helps me b oost my confidence to meet and befriend other people. Don't forget to flash a smile and wave to others even if you do not know them or even if they don't smile back because they say that the people who failed to commit suicide think that if someone smiles to them, they will not end their lives because they feel that they are still important. Your smile might totally change the outcome of an unpleasant situation. This way, if we smile we would save lives in the simplest manner. In this case, we should always smile even for the little things and let the world wonder why.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Life Style Sciences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Life Style Sciences - Essay Example As the report declares if statements as the following are readily made by the EPA one wonders why some products are still available for home use. "In addition, some literature suggests children with asthma may be affected by other pollutants found in schools from such sources as un-vented stoves or heaters and common products such as cleaning agents, perfumes, and sprays." (EPA) At the same time, under their section "Asthma and Indoor Environments," you'll read: "Learn more about factors found in the indoor and outdoor environment that can cause, trigger, or exacerbate asthma symptoms and what you can do to reduce their impact. You might be surprised by the list of common environmental asthma triggers and how simple it can be to eliminate them from your environment." This paper stresses that children can be exposed to a number of air pollutants that come from sources inside homes, schools, and other buildings. Indoor sources include combustion sources such as gas stoves, fireplaces, and cigarettes; building materials such as treated wood and paints, furnishings, carpet, and fabrics; and consumer products such as sprays, pesticides, window cleaners, and laundry soap. Indoor air pollutants also can come from outside, as air pollution penetrates indoors. Information on the toxic effects of air pollutants from indoor sources indicates that they could pose health risks to children.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

ETHICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ETHICS - Essay Example Capitalists and socialists have their own interpretations about ethics. These interpretations are almost same considering the ultimate goal of justice to all; but they differ in the selection of route to reach this goal. The famous political philosopher, John Rawls argued that the institutions of society must be regulated by two principles of justice; the liberty principle and the difference principle. This paper briefly analyses the two models, capitalism and socialism with respect to Rawls’ two ‘principles of justice’. Rawls’s principle of liberty argues that each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive total system of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar system of liberty for all. Rawls’s difference principle argues that in order for any change to be accepted as an improvement, it must help the least advantaged representative person. In his opinion, social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that it may provide greatest benefit of the least advantaged (A Theory of Justice, by John Rawls, 2005). Socialism argues for a completely classless society, where the government controls all means of production and distribution of goods. They believe this control is necessary to eliminate competition among the people and put everyone on a level playing field (Liese, 2008). When we analyze the views of socialism and the views of Rawls, we can see that both the views have similarities and differences. Socialism argues for the equal rights to all and the advocates of socialism believe that only a class less society can ensure equal opportunities to all and for that purpose, governments should have upper hand in all the matters related to the social and political life of the public. In other words, individuals have not much role in a socialist country. Rawls on the other hand argues for the liberties of the individual and the society. His liberty principle argues for democratic freedom of thought, conscience, religion

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

American muscle cars (supercharged are better than turbocharged) Thesis

American muscle cars (supercharged are better than turbocharged) - Thesis Example Evolution of American muscle cars began during the 1960s. According to Leffingwell and Holmstrom (2006), the development of V-8 engine technology played a substantial role in materializing the muscle car. The millions of baby boomers who entered the market during the middle of the 20th century were attracted toward V-8 engine. The American automobile customers behaved according as there curiosity and demand for the turbocharging and supercharging technologies of that time. They were not interested to create physical stereotypes for the car body. This is the reason behind the fact that diverse models of muscle cars were made available during the 1970s and 1980s. In this way, both the agile Camaro and powerful Roadrunner were accepted by the contemporary younger generations as muscle cars (Mueller, 2011). Contextually, an informative socio-technological analysis shows that muscle cars were no mere show items. Leffingwell and Holmstrom (2006) have explored the characteristics of social acceptance of the powerful turbocharged and supercharged engine techniques that culminated at the reinvention of automobile design and use with global implications. Although the different companies like Ford, General Motors, Chevrolet, etc. launched there own product categories and product line, the main objective of achieving more and more engine power remained in tact throughout the industry policy makers. And people were so obsessed with the different features of these cars that the companies continued to produce newer editions of the older models with certain new features. For example, some customers would love the sound of a turbocharged engine as it accelerated; while some other customers wished to have curves on the bonnet of the car they bought †¦ and so on! (Gunnell, 2005; McClurg, 2005). However, when the petroleum industry became turbulent due to certain international

Monday, August 26, 2019

Dynamism in Precolonial African Society Research Paper - 1

Dynamism in Precolonial African Society - Research Paper Example This essay declares that the societies of Africa, thrust into democratic setups, have been unable to function as smoothly as they did under indigenous forms of governance. This is not to suggest that democracy is not a workable form of governance in Africa. However, the transition was not effected in a very scientific manner and there was a great resistance from the ancient forms of social structuring. The power and dynamism of these social orders can be seen in the resistance to sudden and imposed change that they offer. The tribal forms of governance in African societies were in many ways, examples of a smooth and efficient from of democracy. While they were not completely democratic by any stretch of imagination, they did offer certain strengths to women and marginalized sections of the society in ways that Western society never has. They also offered means of redressal for people who had been wronged in ways that were quick and efficient. In many colonized societies a quick and s mooth system of justice was often replaced by Western systems of law that failed to work as effectively in these societies. They were unable to dispense justice in quick and efficient ways. This paper makes a conclusion that Africa has been referred to as the ‘dark continent’. This epithet has obviously racist connotations. It also designates the continent as one which was always ignorant of civilized ways of being. The dynamic and robust structuring of precolonial African societies belies these views.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Cleopatra Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Cleopatra - Research Paper Example This essay describes Cleopatra, who came into power in a period when there was much tension in the Egyptian Empire, owing to the inclusion of Rome within its territory. Thus, her reign was a very difficult period and consisted of many ups and downs. She had to face internal pressure from Egypt owing to the fact that a woman ruler was not very much welcome in her period and people were still unprepared to be ruled by a female empress. Furthermore, there were external pressures from Rome as well. But Cleopatra was a woman who utilized her charms and her brilliance to overcome this pressure and faced all the challenges. She used her looks and her brilliance to engage with two important men of that period, which included Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. She could not face defeat and when she lost all hope of remaining in power, she chose to kill herself rather than live a life of defeat. Her life and her rule are still remembered and are significant in the history of the world. Even after centuries, the empire of Cleopatra is remembered because of the wealth that it had gathered in those times. Cleopatra was a charismatic leader who worked towards her country in order to conquer many territories. Her love affair with Antony was so pure that the examples of it are still given in our century. She chose to make deals rather than spill the blood of her soldiers and it is through these conditions that she was able to grasp a wide territory. Her charisma can be clearly witnessed in forming a deal with both Caesar and Antony.

The Morality, Humanity, and Legality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Morality, Humanity, and Legality - Essay Example Pain management is, simply, no longer working and, as hard as it is to admit, she is clearly slowly dying. You stop and ask yourself, â€Å" Would she want her suffering to end? You ask yourself, â€Å"Would it be wrong to want her suffering to end?† The answer to these questions are comntroversial ones. If Susie were a pet then we would not question the honorable decision of ending her pain and suffering. We would consider it a humane thing to do. Yet, if Susie is a person then, for many people, the logic is the exact opposite. Even, if Susie, herself, desires that option, it may be considered in-humane to support such an option. To be humane is a part of being human, yet the same â€Å"humane† compassion that we would show our beloved pets, we do not feel compelled to show the same to our fellow human beings. Euthanasia, in its different forms, is not immoral, if it suits the morality of the person whose life, and death, is in question. In order to truly understand t he contraversial issue that breeds so much ethical and moral debte it is impotant to review the full scope of the topic, from both sides, eliminate misconceptions, and, ideally, represent the morality of allowing individuals to choose not why they die, but the quality of that death, when death is inevitable. Firstly, euthanasia is not simply another word for suicide; it is, also, not another word for murder. The word means the intentional ending of a life, not out of malice or ciriminal intent, but to end suffering when death is imminent and saving of that life is no longer an option. For those who are in excruciating pain, suffering unbearable illness, and will inevitably die as a result, euthanasia is an opportunity to have an option, when all other options have, essentially,been taken away. There are different forms of euthanasia that are relevant in understanding the practice. Passive Euthanasia involves the allowing of a person by not providing medical procedures and removing o f life support; this considered to be allowing nature to take its course. Involuntary Euthanasia is used to refer to the ending of the life of someone who is in a persistent vegetative state; in those cases where there is no realistic medical hope of any form of recovery. Active Euthanasia is, accordingly, when someone ends the life of another through a direct act at the request of the person that whose life is to be ended. This is, most commonly seen, when a spouse or relative of a loved one assists in the request to end their life. The last, and most focused upon, is Physician Assisted Suicide, or PAS, which refers to lives that are ended under the supervision and administration of a physician.(Goel 225) However, this extreme and final measure is intended to end the pain and suffering of those with no other options and have requested and chosen this end. The opportunity to die with dignity is a valid consideration. It is PAS that does get the greatest attention, because legislatio n is, always, being presented to, legalize the practice, but it is the ethical and moral elements that keep the issue, in many instances, at a stale mate. So what is the morality of euthanasia? As stated before, the morality is unique to the individual considering the option. If someone clear of mind makes the decision to end their life themselves then morally they have made peace with it. It is, of course, logical to question the morality when the potential actions of a person will directly, unfairly, or negatively impact another’s life, rights, or personal being. However, by ignoring these requests for right to die by the competent, but tragically ill, is, in fact, are directly and wrongly interfering in their rights and personal being. Supporters of PAS, and the implementation of legislation to legalize the act, explain that there

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Nortel Networks Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nortel Networks - Article Example In 1994, two Nortel executives, anxious over the possibility of the company’s having an empty â€Å"war chest† of novel and innovative product ideas, instigated a restructuring of the company’s business processes. The aim of the stated was the facilitation of the process by which internally generated new product ideas could be evaluated and implemented. Within a span of just over 5 years, Nortel had successfully designed a process-oriented knowledge management strategic paradigm (KM) for its New Product Development (NPD) process.The above-mentioned restructuring was a complex process, involving a umber of clearly defined steps. The first of these steps was aimed towards the testing of the empty war-chest hypothesis through an in-house survey targeting all of Sales and Support, Global Service Planning, and Marketing and Development. An excess of 100 new product ideas were submitted within three weeks. The results, thus, proved that Nortel had the potential for a v ery rich war chest but, the absence of a process for the capitalization upon internally-generated ideas, constrained this potential. It was imperative, therefore, that the company design and develop a paradigm for the exploitation of its internal innovative capabilities.To leverage its knowledge base, Nortel formed a cross-departmental task force, Project Galileo, whose primary objective was the design of system for the facilitation of the new idea submission, evaluation and product development processes.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Working with and leading people Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Working with and leading people - Essay Example His recruits learnt to support each other during difficult times; it was a lesson on showing concern for one’s teammate. This is a depiction of the principle stage of Tuckman’s Teamwork Theory which discusses the formulation of the team. This is a stage where each individual is trying to find his/her role in the team, they are sizing each other up and there are cases of doubt to one’s purpose (Tuckman Bruce, 1965) Oliver tasked the recruits with challenging assignments like working night shifts at the bakery. Knowing the difficulty level of his challenge, he appeared for some of the shifts and he worked alongside his recruits. At the end of the training they were expected to work together as a team in a commercial kitchen, they therefore had to develop a sense of devotion towards each other. To foster this devotion, Oliver took his recruits for camping activities and later on he tested them by taking them through a simulation test. They were tasked with the duty of preparing meals for fifty clients. The purpose of the simulation was to see how they worked under pressure. This was in line with Tuckman’s second stage theory which is the Storming. At this level they have started seeing themselves as a team however, this stage is characterized by confrontations and various levels of conflict. This is expected due to the pressure put on them by Oliver. As per the expectations, some of them crumbled when the scene got chaotic. This was however, part of the team building process. At the end of the training, the recruits were assured of a job working for Oliver. They therefore had an end in mind. This sense of purpose according to Dr. Belbin, M. 2014 is the motivator for teamwork. Oliver demonstrated participative leadership when he engaged with his recruits in their daily tasks, when he helped them solve problems that occurred at the ground level. His hands on approach was in line with the Participative Leadership Theory which

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Academic degree Essay Example for Free

Academic degree Essay The different Definitions of education are misinterpreted in different ways, but there are still ways that you can interpret what you think the definition is on education. Education is to be able to find your own path. To have a high school diploma or to have a college degree, education is to be successful in your life in whatever way that is. Trying to define education is like trying to define why the sky is the color it is or why the grass is green, there is no accurate definition of education to me. Education can mean more than one thing having a college degree but also can mean not having a college degree. Being educated to me means to be successful in your life, just because you do not have a college degree doesn’t mean you will not go far in your life or make a good amount of money. People make it seem as if you don’t have a decent degree you will just work at a fast food restaurant. If someone were to ask me what it meant to be educated I wouldn’t be able to give them an answer. My mother Julie, went to the University Of Arkansas were she had completed law school. After completing law school she got a job at JB Hunt being a contract attorney. My father Carlos, who only has a high school diploma but works for a company called South Western Energy and is a company man for two rigs out in Pennsylvania where he is very successful in what he does. I don’t think you have to have a college diploma to be the most educated person around. Do I think you would make more amount of money in certain professions? Yes. Society makes it out to be that you must be admitted to a college to be educated, but really how educated do you have to be, to be admitted into a college. Back in the day it was a lot harder to get into a college, now-a-days you can score a fourteen through a sixteen and easily get into a college and just have to do remediation classes. Being tested for an ACT, SAT, Standardized test to me doesn’t show how educated you really are. Teachers teach you for the chapter they are covering than they either expect you to continue to remember what they taught you or you forget it. On the standardized test or the ACT or SAT there is information that you were taught in younger grades or that you haven’t been taught yet. So technically it really isn’t showing how educated a person may really be. Life its self-offers you an education. This lesson of education is more a hard learning education. ‘The best way to predict your future is to create It. ’- Abraham Lincoln. You are not taught in school how to balance a check book, how to cook, how to pay taxes, or how to do major things in the real world. Sooner or later you will get to the point that you will graduate for high school, get your GED or even drop out, but there will come a time that you will leave your parents’ house, which then you will have to find your own path in the real world. Unless you were taught by your parents or other adults how to balance a check book, how to cook, how to pay taxes, or how to do things in the real world you won’t be an educated person on how to go about life. In life there will be times that you will come to points in life that will you will see how educated you are, or when there is times that you need to speak up or when you need to go ahead and back off from the situation. People are different and learn in many different ways some faster than others and some who remember everything easily or some who forget stuff by the time class is over. Being knowledgeable in one subject and not in the other is that consider too make someone less knowledgeable or less comprehensive than another person. When going through college to earn a degree depending on what we want to major in we aren’t taught certain subjects. When majoring in anything in the medical field you aren’t taught any type of histories because you don’t need to know it. When you want to become a history major you aren’t taught any sciences because you don’t and won’t need them. If someone was to walk up to someone and try and have a conversation with them about a certain subject or ask them for some type of help on a certain subject but the other person isn’t able to have a conversation back because they aren’t taught that subject or haven’t been taught that subject does that make them any less educated than the person asking for help. There will always be some one that is always smarter or believes to be smarter than you, but really how can you tell how smart someone is. Being successful to me is a huge part of being educated. When knowing people who have a good degree and do not do anything with their degree and make bad choices in their life and not care what anyone thinks isn’t a successful and well educated person. When you are living on the streets and have a good degree you could go and find a job even if it means starting at a fast food restaurant and working your way to the top to get a job for what your degree is. It may take time but no reason to just sit around and waste a well-educated mind as society would say. There may be as many definitions as there are defines, but it is important for people to have a clear understand of education in order to be able to define it to other people on what your beliefs are and what it means to be a well-educated person. Lincoln, Abraham. Education Quotes Edgalaxy. Edgalaxy. Techzoo, 2009-2013. Web. 17 Sept. 2013.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Preventative Measures for Teenage Pregnancy

Preventative Measures for Teenage Pregnancy What is your narrowed topic? Be detailed in your answer. You can use any of the versions you’ve developed for prior assignments. The narrowed topic of my research paper is preventative measures for teenage pregnancy. The two preventative measures for teenage pregnancy that I have an argument for are an increase in good parenting practices and expansion of sex education in public schools. Who is your primary audience or reader? Why? Be detailed in your answer about your audience. My first primary audience is parents because they need to know how an increase in good parenting practices can prevent teens from becoming pregnant, and what good parenting practices they can execute to become a preventative measure. My second primary audience is public school administrators and teachers because they need to know how an expansion of sex education in public schools can prevent teens from becoming pregnant, and what elements they need to include in the program to make it a preventative measure. My third primary audience is adolescents because they need to know how to take advantage of good parenting practices and sex education in public schools in order to make these preventative measures for teenage pregnancy. In a sentence or short paragraph, what is your thesis statement, including your angle? Write what will appear in your essay. My point is that an increase in good parenting practices and an expansion of sex education in public schools can be effective preventative measures to reduce instances of teenage pregnancy. Parents can be primary sex educators for children, and public schools can be secondary sex educators for children to reinforce the primary sex educators. More instances of teen pregnancy are occurring because children are not receiving the knowledge they need about sex from parents and/or public schools. What topic sentences will you use as the foundation of your communication? (If necessary, add more points.) Teenage pregnancy is a social issue that is closely linked to other social issues—poverty and income, health issues, and education. Adolescents can become educated on the subject of sex and the consequences of teenage pregnancy. Parents can become primary sex educators for their children. Public school administrators and teachers can become secondary sex educators to reinforce the primary sex educators. What method of organization and development will you use to develop your paragraphs? Introduction: â€Å"Three in ten girls will be pregnant at least once before their 20th birthday† (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2014). Will one of those three girls be your daughter, your girlfriend, your son’s girlfriend, a student at your school, or will it be you? This would not have to be a worry if society would help change that statistic. There are preventative measures that can be provided to adolescents, so we can avoid the social issue of teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is a social issue that is closely linked to other social issues—poverty and income, health issues, and education. The problem has a significant impact on society as a whole. So, what if society could help reduce this issue from occurring? An increase in good parenting practices and an expansion of sex education in public schools can be effective preventative measures to reduce instances of teenage pregnancy. If children receive more knowledge about sex from parents and/or public schools, society will start to see fewer instances of teenage pregnancy, therefore making teenage pregnancy less of a social issue. Teenage birth rates were higher prior to 1980. According to the U.S. Department of Health Human Services (2013), â€Å"Teen birth rates in the United States have declined almost continuously since the early 1990s.† There are still instances of teenage pregnancy that can be prevented in today’s world. Adolescents, parents, and public school administrators and teachers all have their part in preventing teenage pregnancy. Body: Teenage pregnancy is a social issue that is closely linked to other social issues—poverty and income, health issues, and education. Teen mothers face financial problems and most likely have to rely on public assistance. The baby can face health issues at birth and later in its life. Teen mothers rarely finish high school and hardly ever get a degree from college. Adolescents can become educated on the subject of sex and the consequences of teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy affects the mother, baby, and others related to the situation. Teens need to take advantage of good parenting and sex education in public schools. Parents can become primary sex educators for their children. They need to have open and clear communication with their children about sex and relationship decisions. Parents need to include their expectations for their child’s sexual behavior. Public school administrators and teachers can become secondary sex educators to reinforce the primary sex educators. They need to include sex education classes in the school curriculum. Children can learn about safe sex and the consequences of unsafe sex. Conclusion: I will state the importance of my claim by stating main points differently than I did in the paper. I will use a dramatic closing that relates to the opening of the paper to hit on the audiences’ emotions and relevance to the topic. I will close with a memorable and logic statement that will keep the readers thinking about what actions they should take after reading the paper. Preventative Measures for Teenage Pregnancy â€Å"Three in ten girls will be pregnant at least once before their 20th birthday† (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2014). Will one of those three girls be your daughter, your girlfriend, your son’s girlfriend, a student at your school, or will it be you? This would not have to be a worry if society would help change that statistic. There are preventative measures that can be provided to adolescents, so we can avoid the social issue of teenage pregnancy. Not only has teenage pregnancy occurred many times in my hometown, but I have witnessed close friends and family members go through it as well. I have observed the consequences they face on a daily basis, the impact it has on their future, and the effects it has had on their baby. I am not an expert on the topic of teenage pregnancy, so I have included ideas from the National Conference of State Legislatures, Swierzewski, and the U.S. Department of Health Human Services. Teenage pregnancy is a social issue that is closely linked to other social issues—poverty and income, health issues, and education. The problem has a significant impact on society as a whole. So, what if society could help reduce this issue from occurring? Adolescents can become educated on the subject of sex and the consequences of teenage pregnancy by listening to their parents and taking sex education classes. Parents can become primary sex educators for their children by communicating with them about sex and relationship decisions. Public school administrators and teachers can become secondary sex educators to reinforce the primary sex educators by including sex education in the school curriculum. An increase in good parenting practices and an expansion of sex education in public schools can be effective preventative measures to reduce instances of teenage pregnancy. Good parenting practices will help children learn appropriate sexual behavior, and children will have more clear communication about life decisions with their parents. An expansion of sex education in public schools will help children learn the specifics about safe sex and the consequences about unsafe sex. If children receive more knowledge about sex from parents and/or public schools, society will start to see fewer instances of teenage pregnancy, therefore making teenage pregnancy less of a social issue. Teenage birth rates were higher prior to 1980. According to the U.S. Department of Health Human Services (2013), â€Å"Teen birth rates in the United States have declined almost continuously since the early 1990s.† â€Å"Teen pregnancy has declined 42 percent, and the teen birth rate is down 52 percent† (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2014). Even though research is showing teenage pregnancy instances are declining, â€Å"Just over 305,000 babies were born to teen girls in 2012† (U.S. Department of Health Human Services, 2013). There are still instances of teenage pregnancy that can be prevented in today’s world. Adolescents, parents, and public school administrators and teachers all have their part in preventing teenage pregnancy, but we will first address the adolescent’s part. If an adolescent is not open to learning from his or her parents or teachers, then he or she is more likely to face the consequences of teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy affects the lives of the mother, the baby, and others related to the situation. According to the U.S. Department of Health Human Services (2013), â€Å"Teen mothers are less likely to finish high school, more likely to rely on public assistance, more likely to be poor as adults, and more likely to have children who have poorer educational, behavioral, and health outcomes over the course of their lives than do kids born to older parents.† â€Å"Only 40 percent of teen mothers finish high school† (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2014). Many teen mothers lose their support system or give up on their goals because they see them as impossible to reach. Babies born to teen mothers face challenges and sometimes even more than the mother. Many teenage mothers are more likely to give birth to babies with low birthweight. â€Å"Low-birthweight babies are more likely to have organs that are not fully developed, which can result in complications, such as bleeding in the brain, respiratory system disorders, and intestinal problems† (Swierzewski, 2011). Figure 1: Teenage Mother Waits for Her Premature Baby  Ã‚   Figure 1: This teenage mother is waiting to see if her premature baby made it after birth. Giving birth to premature babies is another risk of teenage pregnancy that can emotionally affect the mother and lead to health risks for the baby. Source: Swierzewski (2011). As shown in Figure 1, teenage pregnancy causes emotional stress on the teen mother, but the child is at risk for stress later on in its life as well. â€Å"Children born to teenage mothers are at an increased risk for abuse and neglect† (Swierzewski, 2011). â€Å"Boys born to teen mothers are 13 percent more likely to be incarcerated, and girls are 22 percent more likely to become teenage mothers themselves later in their lives† (Swierzewski, 2011). It is just as important for male adolescents to be knowledgeable about sex and teenage pregnancy consequences as it is for female adolescents. â€Å"An estimated nine percent—or 900,000—of young men between the ages of 12 and 16 will become fathers before their 20th birthday† (U.S. Department of Health Human Services, 2013). Now, adolescents have to decide how they will help prevent instances of teenage pregnancy from occurring. â€Å"The only certain way to avoid unwanted pregnancies is to abstain from sexual intercourse† (U.S. Department of Health Human Services, 2013). However, adolescents should be open and honest when communicating about sex to their parents and/or teachers. Adolescents should ask specific questions and request specific answers. They should make sure they are listening to the good parenting practices of their parents and take advantage of sex education classes in school. If the school does not offer sex education classes, approach an administrator or teacher to ask if classes can be an option for the school. References National Conference of State Legislatures. (2014, January 22). Teen Pregnancy Prevention. Retrieved from Swierzewski, S. J., III. (2011, December 9). Teen Pregnancy. Remedy’s Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health Human Services. (2013, December 20). Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing. Office of Adolescent Health. Retrieved from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Changed My View Of Being A Christian Theology Religion Essay

Changed My View Of Being A Christian Theology Religion Essay There are multiple principles that have been taught in this course that have changed my view of being a Christian but here I would like to focus on temptation and the Crown of Life. These two topics shed new light in my understanding of resisting temptation and the reward for doing so. Not all Christians know how to deal with temptation nor that their efforts go unnoticed in the grand scheme of things. Resisting temptation can prove to be very difficult at times and one of the biggest temptations can be to avoid persecution for being a Christian. But not only does resisting temptation help one stay on the way to Heaven, God will single out those who resist temptation and are willing to die for their faith, and reward them justly. Temptation can be theologically defined as a trial; a being put to the test (Easton, 2007). In basic terms, it is the enticement to sin. The devil brought temptation into the world. Thankfully, Jesus Christ sacrificed his life to save us from sin and overpower Satan. It is up to each person to make a concerted effort to resist temptation, just as Jesus did in the wilderness. In the Old Testament, the word for temptation is the Hebrew word maccah, which translates to temptation or trial. In the New Testament, the word in Greek is peirasmos, which means temptation(s) or to try. According to the Blue Letter Bible website, the word temptation appears in the King James Version sixteen times in fifteen verses. One of the foundations for the doctrine comes from Matthew 26:41: Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak (KJV). The first recording in scripture of Satan tempting humanity is when he tempted Eves loyalty through her lust of the flesh to God, which led her to eating the forbidden fruit. He also appealed to her lust of the eyes whereby the appearance of the fruit caused her to desire what she did not already have as well as feeding on her basic feeling of self-worth and self-preservation. Temptation is even mentioned in The Lords Prayer: And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil (Luke 11:4, KJV). There are several practical applications regarding the issue of temptation. One of the best ways to protect oneself is to stay alert at all times and remember that the flesh is weak. Be sure to test everything that comes across your path and question whether it is from God or not. People should make every attempt to avoid conditions that might lead them to temptation. It is always important to focus on the truth and if we follow Christ, He will show us the truth, and it will set us free. When a person feels tempted, if they turn to prayer, God will always provide another way. You just have to be vigilant in looking for His way. Crown of Life The Crown of Life is one of the rewards for believers that will be given by Jesus from his seat of judgment. Theologically defined, the Crown of Life is not something that is received as soon as someone becomes a Christian but something the Christian will receive from God after proving firmness in faith. It is also sometimes referred to as the martyrs crown. This crown has a guarantee and is a promise to those that suffer deprivation now and to those specifically who love God and honor Christ. Simply put, the Crown of Life is Gods reward to humanity for his perseverance in faith and his honoring of Jesus Christ. There is a lot more biblical foundation for this doctrine than I thought I would find when I began my research. Revelation 2:10 stands out the most to me: Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a Crown of Life (KJV). Jesus specifically tells us that we will be tempted throughout out lives and we will more than likely receive persecution for our faith in Him. It is our duty to keep Satan beneath our feet and proclaim the truth in Jesus in order to receive this honor. James 1:12 is also another great reference for this doctrine: Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the Crown of Life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him (KJV). Dr. Towns pointed out that the author could have been referring to temptations of Christians to compromise their witness inste ad of dealing with the discrimination of being one of the faithful at the cost of their lives (Towns, 1983). The applications of this doctrine are more than practical but one must be very cautious because this is not a reward to be making bets for when you choose to live a life in faith. You do not live in faith just to receive this reward, quite the contrary. You receive this award for living in faith without regard to being rewarded for it. Making it through the temptation and persecution is of way more value than the gaining of the crown itself. If a Christian loses everything they have, Christ is still worthy of honor and the Crown of Life is still worth the steadfastness. Do not get wrapped up in things of this world such as money being the source of self-worth, security, and/or power. These things can only be appropriately received through faith in God and if a person lives by biblical principles with a true heart and without regard to their own humanly wants and temptations, they will receive their just reward the Crown of Life. If a Christian loses everything they have, Christ is s till worthy of honor and the Crown of Life is still worth the steadfastness. Conclusion Everybody gets tempted in life. Pleasing God is all in how you deal with those temptations. The world today is so far gone from what God seeks from His people now that temptation is rampant. So many sinful behaviors are seen as normal everyday things that are okay for people to do. This denial of Gods truth will keep His people from grace and all of His rewards, including the Crown of Life, which is eternal and assured for all of those who live righteously. People should not resist temptation just to receive the crown reward but rather should earn it by living everyday in light of Gods desires. Resisting temptation is a huge part in earning the Crown of Life. It is not going to be easy if one does it alone, but if they look to God, he will help make it a little more bearable.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Biography of Alice Walker Essay -- color purple, racism, sexism

Alice Walker was â€Å"born in Eatonton, Georgia, on February 9, 1944, she was the youngest of the eight children†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Source 8) Alice and her Father, Willie Grant, â€Å"†¦ at first [had a] strong and valuable [relationship]†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Source 10), then when she joined the Civil Rights and feminist movements their relationship became tense. â€Å"Walker attended segregated schools†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Source 7) when she was younger and â€Å"†¦she recalled that she had terrific teachers who encouraged her to believe that the world she was reaching for actually existed.†(Source 7). One of Walker’s most memorable events in her childhood was when â€Å"†¦a BB gun accident which left her at age eight blind in one eye.† After high School Walker went to Speleman college on a full scholarship in 1961 and later transferred to Sarah Lawerence College near new York. â€Å"In 1965, Walker met and later married Melvyn Roseman Leventhal, a Jewish civil rights lawyer.†(Source 11) They got married on March 17, 1967 in New York City. â€Å"Later that year the couple relocated to Jackson, Mississippi, becoming "the first legally married inter-racial couple in Mississippi."(Source 11) Together Alice and Melvyn had their first child, â€Å"†¦Rebecca, in 1969, whom she described in 2008 as, "a living, breathing, mixed-race embodiment of the new America that they were trying to forge.†(Source 11). Walker completed her first novel a few days before she went into labor with her first child Rebecca. During the time she was writing and taking care of her newborn she was threatened by the Ku Klux Klan and became more isolated especially because she was a black writer. (Source 3, p.34) â€Å"Walker's first novel, The Third Life of Grange Copeland, was published in 1970. In 1976, Walker's second novel, Meridian, was published. The ... ...that pulls the reader in to feel what Celie doesn't express. If you haven't lived it or heard people describe that type of life, you can't imagine it. You can only take Walker's words and feel them instead.† (Source 12) In my opinion, the color purple was an acceptable book because it had some good values of life, and good stories, but for the most part, it was disturbing and graphic. The good value of life that I liked in this book where keeping your loved ones as close as possible, no matter what happens. The bond between Celie and Nettie was unbreakable, and they kept it that way even when they did not see each other for decades. The good stories consisted of Nettie and her life as a missionary in Africa, when Celie was reunited with her long lost children, and when Harpo’s wife beats him up. Warren, Nagueyalti. Alice Walker. Ipswich, MA: Salem, 2013. Print.

Essays --

A human right is defined as any right that belongs justifiably to every person. If you were to take a poll and ask the question, â€Å"What are human rights?† you would receive a variety of answers. However it is very likely all the answers would have the word â€Å"freedom.† Human rights are based upon the ethic of respect for an individual. This concept is called human rights because it is usually universal. Whereas nations or specialized groups enjoy specific rights that apply only to them, human rights are the rights to which everyone is entitled, no matter who they are or where they live; simply because they are living. These ethical rules have been bent over the coarse of history. One specific violation was on the day of February 19, 1942 when United States President Roosevelt signed executive order 9066. This order stated that all that all people if the Japanese decent that was residing in the United States must be removed from their homes and be placed in inte rnment camps. The US Government justified their actions by claiming that people of the Japanese decent were spying for the en...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Dominance of Gothic Architecture in The High Middle Ages Essay

When one sees the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral in person or in pictures they are likely to be awestruck. The twin towers of the western faà §ade rise high into the sky, seemingly in an attempt to scrape heaven. Spiky arches seem to grow out of the sides and claw at the ground. Inside it is cavernous with colored light filtering in through the large, intricate stained glass windows. All of these physical qualities make Notre Dame a prime example of Gothic architecture. It does not stand alone in that distinction. One is also likely to see several hundred examples of this style on varying scales throughout Europe. Because, despite its humble origins, Gothic architecture became the standard for religious buildings in the early 11th century thanks to innovative use of new and old design techniques which resulted in majestic buildings that symbolized the builder’s version of heaven. To understand the appeal of Gothic architecture at the time, it is critical to start in the small suburb of Paris called St. Denis. There, lived a worldly member of the monastery named Abbot Suger. When he took over as Abbot in 1122, his first priority was to â€Å"fatten the monastery’s purse† (Gilgoff 59). He was able to procure more land for the abbey through royal donations and even won favor for one of the region’s large annual trade events. Thus, with the revenues he had collected, â€Å"he felt justified in spending lavishly† (Gilgoff 59). But, in his heart, he was very religious and sought to create a welcoming environment for his parishioners and saw the need to expand the church because â€Å"The narrowness of the place forced the women to run toward the altar upon the heads of men as upon a pavement with much anguish and noisy confusion" (Gilgoff 59... ...ic lighting thanks to intricate stained glass windows. These glorious structures built by some of the humblest of men have offered a vestige of the divine for people in the past and the present and will carry on into the future. â€Æ' Works Cited Bony, Jean. French Gothic Architecture of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1983. Frankl, Paul. Gothic Architecture. Yale University Press, 1962. Gilgoff, Dan. "GOTHIC GLOW. (Cover story)." U.S. News & World Report 134.23 (2003): 59. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 12 Apr. 2010. "Gothic architecture and art." Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition (2009): 1-3. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 12 Apr. 2010. Scott, Robert. The Gothic Enterprise: A Guide to Understanding the Medieval Cathedral. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2003.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Class Room Survey on Mobile Phones Essay

Mobile Mania A Classroom survey on mobile phones Mobile phone is a smart communication media. Every day around the world, billions of people are using a mobile. Whether they are using while driving vehicles, watching television or speaking on the phone, all these are classified under a single sub-heading: Mobile Mania. Millions of people own a mobile phone these days, and mobiles are no more a luxury or a life style product. Mobile phones, which were one of the beautiful possessions of anybody not until a decade ago, have now become a necessity to the common man. Table-1 Brand used Mobile phones are a common form of contacting others who may live on the other side of the world. But gone are the days when people used it only for communication purpose. The roles of mobile phones are varied and a survey conducted among 60 students of JSB helps the researcher to reveal the use of mobile phones apart from basic communication. In this study, the researcher has analyzed the brand preference of mobile phone. The analysis of the data is based on the attitude or opinion, consumer awareness and selection of brand of mobile phones in JSB.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Major Life Event Development Through Life

As people live their lives, they usually and often experience various life events that influence their lives. If people suddenly experience a major life change it is likely that they will feel stressed and out of control. For example both Gloria and have experienced life events that have changed their lives forever. These events can either be predicted or unpredicted and these events are explained below. Predictable events Parenthood: As was seen in the case study, Gloria was not married to Ted before she unexpectedly found herself pregnant.Fortunately she had a beautiful baby girl. However, she and her baby daddy Ted have had to cope with being parents. This means that they had to learn new parental skills which involve learning how to take care of their child. For example, Ted, although at first did not assume responsibility, had to changed his old previous lifestyle. That means that both of them have to be able to bond with their daughter, and their free time for going out and â⠂¬Ëœhang out’ with friends are forever reduced, due to the arrival of Sunshine.Both Jason and Jasmine, Gloria’s parents and Lucy have experienced this life event; they had children. Retirement: During old age, usually at sixty five years of age, people are required to retire and leave their job, meaning that they no longer have any role in the society. Well some roles anyway. This also means that people may have more time for them-selves and their family as well as disengaging from work. At this point of people’s life, it may be hard for them to establish a new lifestyle, because they have worked all their lives – for Lucy, she had to join the bingo club.This also means that contacts with friends may be lost. On the other hand, Lucy, although is retired, still keeps active and has contact with people at her bingo as well as having a positive relationship with her family. Unpredictable events Illness or serious injury: It has been noted in the case study t hat Ted, as very young as he is at the age of twenty two, has been involved in motor bike accident, resulting to injury, leading to him lose his job.Due to this injury, it is obvious that Ted has to learn to cope, adapt and live with this physical change – changes may have included broken body parts, leading to disability, although the case didn’t mention that much. This may lead to Ted being depressed and feeling angry and wishing he was his old self. Many people who suffered serious injury – that leads to disability – may find it very hard to adapt to their situation. Bereavement: Due to the loss of their loved ones, people’s, both children and adult, physical, social and emotional lifestyle may change dramatically.People usually feel angry and depressed and are unable to cope with their losses. People who experience bereavement may lose dramatic weight due loss of apetite, they may not be able to concentrate, and their sleep may be disturbed. Re search shows that children who experience bereavement are likely to develop psychiatric disorder in later childhood and are also likely to develop difficult behaviour. References: http://www. pearsonschoolsandfecolleges. co. uk ( accessed on the 31/10/12)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Swot Target Corporation

SWOT Analysis Strengths †¢ Target Corporation is the second larges retailer after Wal-Mart in US. †¢ Huge market share in US. †¢ Large number of retail networks around 1500 stores. †¢ Increase sales after each year. †¢ Target stores have variety of products which includes clothing, shoes, jewelry, health and beauty products, electronics, compact discs, DVDs, bedding, kitchen supplies, sporting goods, toys, pet supplies, automotive supplies, and hardware supplies. †¢ It provides very good shopping environment for the customers †¢ Strong distribution channels. †¢ The most recognized corporate logos in United Stated, ahead of the Nike. Target Stores are more attractive then Wal-Mart. †¢ The top seller of Gift Cards in US. †¢ Target is committed to having their location accessible to many of their current and potential guests Weaknesses †¢ Target products are more expensive as compared to competitors. †¢ Limited visibility in In ternational Market. †¢ Target Corporation brand awareness is low as compared to Wal-Mart. Opportunities †¢ Increase market share †¢ To take on competitions plans (i. e. , Wal-Mart) and focus on opening stores in international markets †¢ New locations give Target the opportunity to be diverse in the market.More and more Targets are attaching to trendy malls in different market segments. Threats †¢ Fierce competition from Wal-mart and Costco. †¢ The current recession possibly divert the customer from high price products to low price products. †¢ In some markets, Target's prices are higher than competitors †¢ Terrorism is increasing; security is the main concern of the customers. ? Translate ke Indonesia kekuatan †¢ Target Corporation adalah pengecer kedua terbesar setelah Wal-Mart di AS. †¢ pangsa pasar yang besar di Amerika Serikat. †¢ Jaringan ritel yang besar sekitar 1500 toko. †¢ Penjualan terus meningkat dalam 5 tahun te rakhir. Target memiliki berbagai produk yang meliputi pakaian, sepatu, perhiasan, produk kesehatan dan kecantikan, elektronik, CD, DVD, tempat tidur, perlengkapan dapur, barang olahraga, mainan, persediaan hewan peliharaan, perlengkapan otomotif, dan perlengkapan perangkat keras. †¢ Menyediakan lingkungan belanja yang sangat baik untuk pelanggan †¢ Logo perusahaan yang paling diakui di Amerika Lain dalam perusahaan Retailer. †¢ Toko target adalah lebih menarik maka Wal-Mart. kelemahan †¢ Produk Target lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan pesaing. †¢ Brand awareness Target Corporation rendah dibandingkan dengan Wal-Mart. eluang †¢ Meningkatkan pangsa pasar †¢ Untuk mengambil rencana kompetisi (misalnya, Wal-Mart) dan fokus pada membuka toko di pasar internasional †¢ Lokasi Baru memberikan kesempatan untuk menjadi sesuatu yang berbeda di pasar. Target Semakin banyak melampirkan ke mal trendi dalam segmen pasar yang berbeda. ancaman †¢ Persaingan sengit dari Wal-mart dan Costco. †¢ Resesi saat ini mungkin mengalihkan pelanggan dari produk harga tinggi untuk produk harga `murah. †¢ Di beberapa pasar, harga Target lebih tinggi dari pesaing †¢ Terorisme meningkat, keamanan adalah perhatian utama dari pelanggan. Swot Target Corporation SWOT Analysis Strengths †¢ Target Corporation is the second larges retailer after Wal-Mart in US. †¢ Huge market share in US. †¢ Large number of retail networks around 1500 stores. †¢ Increase sales after each year. †¢ Target stores have variety of products which includes clothing, shoes, jewelry, health and beauty products, electronics, compact discs, DVDs, bedding, kitchen supplies, sporting goods, toys, pet supplies, automotive supplies, and hardware supplies. †¢ It provides very good shopping environment for the customers †¢ Strong distribution channels. †¢ The most recognized corporate logos in United Stated, ahead of the Nike. Target Stores are more attractive then Wal-Mart. †¢ The top seller of Gift Cards in US. †¢ Target is committed to having their location accessible to many of their current and potential guests Weaknesses †¢ Target products are more expensive as compared to competitors. †¢ Limited visibility in In ternational Market. †¢ Target Corporation brand awareness is low as compared to Wal-Mart. Opportunities †¢ Increase market share †¢ To take on competitions plans (i. e. , Wal-Mart) and focus on opening stores in international markets †¢ New locations give Target the opportunity to be diverse in the market.More and more Targets are attaching to trendy malls in different market segments. Threats †¢ Fierce competition from Wal-mart and Costco. †¢ The current recession possibly divert the customer from high price products to low price products. †¢ In some markets, Target's prices are higher than competitors †¢ Terrorism is increasing; security is the main concern of the customers. ? Translate ke Indonesia kekuatan †¢ Target Corporation adalah pengecer kedua terbesar setelah Wal-Mart di AS. †¢ pangsa pasar yang besar di Amerika Serikat. †¢ Jaringan ritel yang besar sekitar 1500 toko. †¢ Penjualan terus meningkat dalam 5 tahun te rakhir. Target memiliki berbagai produk yang meliputi pakaian, sepatu, perhiasan, produk kesehatan dan kecantikan, elektronik, CD, DVD, tempat tidur, perlengkapan dapur, barang olahraga, mainan, persediaan hewan peliharaan, perlengkapan otomotif, dan perlengkapan perangkat keras. †¢ Menyediakan lingkungan belanja yang sangat baik untuk pelanggan †¢ Logo perusahaan yang paling diakui di Amerika Lain dalam perusahaan Retailer. †¢ Toko target adalah lebih menarik maka Wal-Mart. kelemahan †¢ Produk Target lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan pesaing. †¢ Brand awareness Target Corporation rendah dibandingkan dengan Wal-Mart. eluang †¢ Meningkatkan pangsa pasar †¢ Untuk mengambil rencana kompetisi (misalnya, Wal-Mart) dan fokus pada membuka toko di pasar internasional †¢ Lokasi Baru memberikan kesempatan untuk menjadi sesuatu yang berbeda di pasar. Target Semakin banyak melampirkan ke mal trendi dalam segmen pasar yang berbeda. ancaman †¢ Persaingan sengit dari Wal-mart dan Costco. †¢ Resesi saat ini mungkin mengalihkan pelanggan dari produk harga tinggi untuk produk harga `murah. †¢ Di beberapa pasar, harga Target lebih tinggi dari pesaing †¢ Terorisme meningkat, keamanan adalah perhatian utama dari pelanggan.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Homework on essay Essay

1. What is the new concept of education? For more than decades now, our constant contact with the Americans transformed us and led us to the evolution of our public schools and democratic institutions which then, in turn, developed in us our national consciousness in strength and in solidarity. It gave rise to a new concept of education which is deemed as the training of an individual for the duties and privileges of a citizen not only for his own happiness and efficiency, but also for his contribution to the national sphere at large. As the State’s primary responsibility is to provide for the education of every member of the society, it follows that an educated Filipino must possess three characteristics as enumerated by Francisco Benitez in his essay â€Å"What is an Educated Filipino? † 2. According to the author, what is the first quality should distinguish the educated Filipino? First is the power to do which embraces not only the ability of the Filipinos to produce material goods but also the valuable services rendered to society through institutions such as the home, the school, the church and the government. This is best exemplified by a mother who takes good care of her family. 3. What should be the second quality of an educated Filipino? Second, a Filipino is one who is distinguished not only by one’s knowledge of the world’s progress but also and more importantly by one’s understanding of one’s race, people and country – the ideals and morals that are cherished herein. How can a Filipino claim to call himself educated when he has conquered the world yet he is ignorant of his own culture and origin? 4. What should be the third quality of an educated Filipino? The third is that the educated Filipino is one who is deep-rooted in one’s speech and conduct. One must put into practice those elements recognized as concomitant to culture and morality. Hence, one makes use of such elements for one’s growth as an individual and for a nation’s development as a whole. 5. Which of the three qualities do you consider the most important? The third quality, because the Filipino must have ingrained in his speech and conduct those elements that are everywhere recognized as accompaniments of culture andmorality, so that, possessing the capacity for self-entertainment and study, he may not be at the mercy of the pleasure of the senses or a burden to himself when alone. 6. What are the other qualities would you like to add for the betterment of the Filipinos today?

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Benefits and costs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Benefits and costs - Essay Example Vehicles create exhaust gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrocarbons (HC), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particulate matter (OEERE 1). These pollutants create air pollution, adversely affecting health of the general population (OEERE 1). Market failure is inevitable as these negative externalities cause cardiopulmonary diseases leading to premature deaths, decreased visibility and other dangerous side effects. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) used command and control policies (Peltz & Fitzgerald 2). Lead was removed from fuel, oxygenates were added and sulfur content was reduced (OEERE 2). Catalytic converters were placed on US passenger cars, SUVs and light trucks to reduce CO, NOx, HC, and VOC emissions. VOC emission capturing and emissions testing of cars were introduced too (OEERE 2). Many decided to commute and so decreased emissions levels. However, improvements also led to reckless behavior. Pollution caused by vehicles in the USA has become a global problem. While Americans represent only five percent of world population, they use one third of world’s cars (Borger). American cars are 15 percent less fuel efficient than passenger cars driven elsewhere. Moreover, Americans on average drive longer distances than Europeans or Asians. Since 1988, carbon dioxide emissions have been increasing (Borger). CAA has not produced positive results with regard to carbon dioxide emissions. The resulting pollution has increased incidence of cardiopulmonary conditions such as asthma and heart disease (OEERE 2). In 1990, under the CAA Amendments (CAAA), vehicle standards were made stricter (EPAa). Under the amendments, ozone pollution, carbon monoxide and particulate matter emissions were addressed. Procedures such as inspection/maintenance programs and vapor recovery installations at gas stations were introduced (EPAb). A permit system will be developed

Vaccines for Children Computer Input Manual Research Paper

Vaccines for Children Computer Input Manual - Research Paper Example We have adopted Vermont Immunization Registry (IMR) at the Family Medical Center, which is a powerful tool to ensure proper treatment and timely immunization. This has helped in saving many by ensuring that the right vaccine is administered to the children (Maciosek et al., 2006). The efficiency of the offices is also improved since the required time to gather review records of immunization is reduced. When there is a disease outbreak, it is very easy for public health departments to identify those individual at risk by the use of registry. Gap Analysis Although the applied registry is efficient, it is not fully implemented in our Family Medical Centre. Problem Analysis Learning how to operate our registry is very important. This is because its computerized application, which is to some extent complicated, needs qualified personnel to be able to fill in the data. Rationale of Importance of Problem Our healthcare facility is accredited with vaccines for children. Data input should be correctly done to be able to guide on the appropriate type of vaccine administered and the relevant time to vaccinate. If this is not achieved, there will be a loss of program, and services will not be offered to the public.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Social Networking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Social Networking - Essay Example Individuals of all ages indulge in the activities and attractions offered by such websites. Social networking websites have a very vast effect on the individual using it. I have been using social networking websites since the last four years. Social networking has both positive and negative effects on the education, personal development, interpersonal skills, relationships and psychological aspects of the individual. Social networking web has emerged as a remarkably significant form of communication and socializing amongst the youth. Some utilize the social networking for playing their favorite online games, while others use it for communicating with their friends through pictures, videos and chatting. Human relations are another aspect that is affected by the social networking usage. This aspect has its own flaws and positive points that can affect the individual using the websites. Human beings always show a deep interest in the nature and personalities of their friends and peers. They are curious about their activities, pastimes, current incidents, feelings and opinions. People are always in an effort to â€Å"know more† about the people around them and intrude in their private information. Social networking web has given an opportunity to the users to display their personal information, feelings and life events on the internet. Thus, they also get an equal chance of viewing and interfering in other people’s information as well.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Choose an ad from a magazine, television, or radio for brief analysis, Essay - 2

Choose an ad from a magazine, television, or radio for brief analysis, or critique - Essay Example Moreover, an advertisement has to capture a customer’s attention and lure him or her into indulging the use of the good or service. An example of an advertisement on television is the Old Spice Advertisement; ‘The Man Your Man Could Smell Like’. Old Spice, being a major company known for men’s hygienic products has sort a line of men’s body wash that convey an appealing and humorous advertising campaign. The advertisement implies that by using Old Spice products, a man will become the ultimate man or in other words more similar to the Old Spice man. Arguably, the advertisement aims to capture men and draw them near to needs of women, giving them an ideal image of how a man should be and smell and thus building up a sexual theme that draws attention (Nutt, 1). The advertisement entails a series of different sports-stars and actors that portray how fit, and good they look to highlight their body wash. One of the actors by the name Mustafa comes out of a shower clad only in a towel and talks directly to women viewers, telling them alternatively look at him than the man sited next to them for the implied comparison in which no man could come out very well. In the advertisement, Mustafa goes ahead and says that the man sitting beside them is unfortunately not him. The advertisement further displays scenes of Mustafa in romantic fantasy-like settings meant to appeal women. Although the advertisement endeavors to appeal women and make them think that their men are the most interesting in the world, it will not make him build a kitchen or make a cake for the woman but just only sniff him and imagine he would. In addition, the advertisement goes after men emotionally by making them feel that he is not the kind man his woman expects. This ultimately undermines the self-esteem of the man. Despite the fallacies in the advertisement, it promotes an ideal of how a real man should be by making him react

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Strategic Management- Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic Management- Case study - Essay Example In the corporate world the chief executive officer position with the corporate hierarchy outside the board of director of a public company. This paper analyzes a scenario of a high level executive who had romantic affair with another manager inside the company he was suppose to lead. The setting of our analysis takes place at Boeing Corporation where Harry Stonececher its chief executive officer (CEO) and a board member of the corporation got involved in an unethical act by starting a romantic relationship with a subordinate. His affair was discovered through unofficial information channel known as whistle blowing. A whistleblower is a person that revels to the general public or the authorities. Unethical or illegal activity within an organization (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2003). The situation was very awkward and let a bad taste in the minds of many stakeholders who did not take this news lightly. When something like this happens the general public gets ideas that bad things may be happing within the organization such as collusion, favorism, corruption, money laundering, human rights violations and cooking up the books scenarios such as the infamous Enron case (Kotler, 2002). The bylaws of the corporate which are part of its corporance governance framework are against such type of behavior generally speaking. If such a things happens between two floor workers the course of action a supervisor should take is simply separating the workers between division and areas of work to prevent labor efficiencies from occurring as a result of unnecessary socialization. The case at hand takes the rules to another level because the Boeing situation involved executive laborers at the peak of the chain of command. The fact that such individuals have so much power implies that there action affect all stakeholders thus social responsibility comes into play as an integral part of the equation. There are many stakeholders group whose company’s action are relevant and

Friday, August 9, 2019

Attack Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Attack Plan - Essay Example One person thousands of miles away can wreak havoc on an entire company. Computer networks are vulnerable attack and it is wise to consider those weak points in order to prevent attacks that can have disastrous consequences. This report will detail an attack plan on Goodwill Industries International. Background on Goodwill Industries International Goodwill Industries International is now a work wide organization that began as a grassroots effort aimed at providing underprivileged individuals with sustainable employment opportunities. Through a series of second hand stores and other facilities worldwide, this goal has been made a reality. Goodwill depends on a done network in the millions worldwide in order to meet its financial obligations and to keep thousands of individuals employed. The organization now largely depends on the Internet for its elaborate system of financial donors, without which it would almost certainly struggle to exist. Possible Attacks As Goodwill must keep a sy stem of donor records, these lists are readily available inside its network. We the donation sites to be shut down, it would debilitate the organization, which in the end would prove quite costs. Financial information that is leaked, or that falls into the wrong hands, would wreak havoc on millions of donors worldwide. An attacker would likely first seek to gain access to donor databases (Bayrak, et al 71). They could also work to take Goodwill Industries International offline. Attackers can also infiltrate donor information with malicious code, which would disable the ability of the organization as a while to access valuable information. Without access to donor records, a charitable organization such as Goodwill would struggle to raise the needed financial capital it needs on a monthly basis. In addition, an attack that threatens the integrity of donor information will also be an attack on the trustworthiness of the organization. If individual donors can no longer feel that their i nformation is safe with Goodwill, they will likely cease to give to the charitable organization. One goal of an attack of this magnitude would be that an individual or group of people simply want to cause harm to the organization. This could be as a result of simple malicious behavior, or because the individual holds a grudge of some sort against the company. In addition, accessing privileged donor information could destroy the integrity of the entire charitable industry concept worldwide. A secondary goal could be to actually use the personal information gained during such an attack to cause individual harm to a particular donor or group of donors. Social Engineering and Physical Security Social engineering could certainly give an attacker an avenue whereby contact with individual donors at Goodwill Industries International, enticing them to give more money to causes that are actually fictitious and non-existent. Phishing is one such strategy that could be utilized to trap users in to giving their password information, after which the attacker could easily gain access to privileged information (Mayur & Richards 69). This is a relatively simply strategy that Goodwill is particularly susceptible to. By creating a mirror image of the actual Goodwill site, donors could be tricked into thinking that the organization is actually asking for information when, in fact, it is the attacker that is seeking to steal their private information. In the end, social engineering

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Case Study for the Complete Care Repair Research Paper

Case Study for the Complete Care Repair - Research Paper Example Research Problem The research problem has many angles because there are several problems with MindWriter. Some of the problems that have been seen are discussed here: There is a call center that is able to answer questions for customers who have a malfunctioning product. They have an 800 number to call and the call center can answer service, support and ordering questions. Unfortunately these are the only questions they can currently answer. When a person calls in, the call center must take the name, number and address from the customer as well as the Mind Writer model number. The technical representatives with this information will then ask question to understand more clearly the nature of the customer’s problem. They will attempt to resolve the problem on the phone if they can. The challenge is that they cannot answer every inquiry on the phone. Some of the things that need to be researched include: 1. There are employee shortages and training new technical representatives i s time consuming and does not always happen in the time that they are needed. 2. The courier does not always pick up and deliver the products as they have spelled out in the contract with Complete Care Repair. 3. ... Complete Care Repair will need to research to find where the problem really is and do something more to help it. Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study is to define how Complete Care Repair can help MindWriter understand their problems and eradicate them. Some of the issues they will need to understand better in order to help MindWriter include: 1. Check with the courier company and see whether this is the best one for MindWriter to use. 2. Will the repair aspects of Complete Care Repair that include the diagnostic and sequencing areas need to be refined? 3. Does the technical director need more training or is there a need for the staff to have more training in this area? 4. Is there a problem with packaging? Can it be resolved if there is a different type of package created? 5. Is there a need for repair centers closer to where MindWriter operations are or should repair happen on site? These questions will guide the research into how Complete Care Repair can help MindWriter. Research Objectives Then research objectives will be to find out more information about MindWriter in order to help them. Specifically, there needs to be a thorough examination of the entire company in order to identify the problem areas. After Myra and Jason came back from Austin, they were able to identify several areas where there were problems. These areas need to be examined more closely. The research objectives will include: 1. To examine the call center to understand how they work with customers. We will want to identify what is working and what is not working. 2. To examine the packaging to see whether this is the most appropriate packaging or whether there are alternatives that would keep the

Stakeholder Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Stakeholder Management - Essay Example Stakeholder management is a hypothesis of organizational administration as well as business ethics, which makes efforts to address the values and principles in organizational management. Freeman in this article acknowledges and formulates the various stakeholder groups. He also recommends the techniques by which the managers can provide in due consideration of the interests of those in the group (Freeman, 2008; p.123). Blattberg (2004; p. 175), a political ideologist criticises the work of Freeman in regard to stakeholder theory for making assumptions that the welfare of the different stakeholders might be at best balanced or cooperated over each other. He argues that this is an output of its prominence on deliberation as the main mode of discussion for addressing the conflicts that arise due to the varying interests of the stakeholders. Blattberg (2004; p.174) asserts that dialogue is the best method which makes him emphasize what he terms as a â€Å"patriotic† notion of the company as an option to that related with the theory of stakeholders. Moreover, Miles (2012; p. 287) seems to be indifferent to Freeman’s ideas. According to Miles (2012, p. 288), the competitors can at times be considered as stakeholders due to their ability to influence the decisions of the organization. According to Mitchell et al. (1997; p. 861) the derivation or understanding of the meaning of stakeholder is based on the level of influence the decision making of an organization. The power of a stakeholder is often guided by legitimacy, which are the generally accepted and anticipated systems of conduct. Lastly, it is determined by the urgency where sensitivity of time or the seriousness of the claims by the stakeholders is concerned. Therefore, the authors suggest that by assessing the merging of these features in a twofold method, there are about eight types of stakeholders that can be

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Training Manual Focusing On Financial Valuation Essay Example for Free

Training Manual Focusing On Financial Valuation Essay Any company, especially one that has recently gone public, needs a manual on financial systems that will work hand in hand with its overall business strategy and its structural organizational strategy. In the case of Strident Marks, which is now a public company, valuation in terms of business and actual return on investment increased as the responsibility of profitability intensifies with the presence of stockholders. It is important that the rules and the standards of valuation are set out clearly, as well as the process needed to achieve these rules. Valuation in investment can be divided into actual return on investment in profit, and perceived return on investment in time, efficiency, and output. The training manual should have separate areas that address these two, as well as a consolidating guide that will allow these factors to work together for the good of the company and the shareholders. The profit valuation is the simplest tool as it entails only a cost-benefit analysis and a projected profit versus expense report. Since it is quantifiable, the gains and losses are easily seen and departments can easily account for any changes in policy, as well as in meeting and exceeding targets. Quality returns on investment, on the other hand, are difficult to value and justify. For example, the implementation of an information system cannot be quantified into concrete results in terms of profit, but only to the benefits to the employee, the shareholder, and of course, the client. A method that can be used is to assign actual, numerical values on a grading scale that will allow these factors to be valued. The financial department is crucial in this asect as this division can quantify the value of a perceived benefit versus the actual value of the company as a whole. The financial department can provide a more accurate numerical assessment as opposed to a haphazard assignment. This branch can also ascertain the feasibility of an investment versus the benefits to be gained from it. References Financial Regulation — Good Rules and Bad. (1993). World Bank Development Brief, 12. Retrieved January 17, 2007 from Publications/Briefs/DB12.html

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

College Students Essay Example for Free

College Students Essay The number of international students enrolled in U. S. institutions has grown by 23 percent in the last five years. This is because the international community recognizes education in the U. S. All credit is given to University administrators who make sure that the courses students take are rigorous and prepares them for the real world ahead of them. The only problem is that Universities make students take some courses that are irrelevant to their major, thereby wasting precious time and money. Engineering is one of the most popular majors offered in United States’ Universities. It is a gateway to job opportunities but most Universities waste student’s time by forcing them to take classes that are not engineering related during their first two years of college. In most Universities, students majoring in Engineering have to take classes like fine art, government, history etc. Instead of giving these students specific courses that would prepare them for the rigorous work of engineering and reduce the time they would spend in school, Universities rather choose to introduce them to broader aspect of college, forcing them to take classes they do not need and increasing the time, they spend in college. Higher Institutions increase the time and courses college students have to take, because the more classes they take the more money the University pockets. They use this method to rip students off, thereby making college expenses ridiculously high and almost unpayable for some students. Education is not supposed to be costly, but student’s bank accounts are constantly punished by greed and bad decision making by University officials. This is why most American students abstain from furthering their educations in higher institutions after high school. The cost scares some of them, and they do not see the need to spend all their money on education. Universities should not scare Americans away from Higher Institutions by making them take classes that would dry up their bank accounts and waste their time. Instead they should give them the privilege of going to intern after high school and come back to take only the courses they need for their major. This saves students valuable time, money, and at the same time makes college more attractive to those Americans who have shunned Higher education because of the cost. When students are given the opportunity of interning before they choose their path in life, they not only get an idea of what they will wake up to every morning, but they also gain experience. This makes the courses and classes they would take later on a lot easier and understandable to them. The experience they gain from interning gives them a sense of direction on whether to continue in that career or if they should do something more profiting and interesting to them. . In order for us to get more Americans into college and reduce the competition coming from the international community, higher institutions need to make college more affordable and more meaningful for students. To make Universities affordable, students should be allowed to do all those classes that are required but relevant to a student’s major in high school. After graduation, students should have the opportunity of choosing between being an intern in their desired field for a year, before registering for that major, or going the normal route of wasting time taking classes they do not need.